Saint Andrews Compassionate Ministry

Serving Those Who Serve

Pro bono consulting services for ministry and non-profit organizations

"God is not unjust; he will not forget your work
and the love you have shown as you have
helped his people and continue to help them."
Hebrews 6:10 NIV

Help for your charity imageHelp for your charity image
Helping Those Who Help                                                                                                                           
When people find themselves in need, they can turn to nonprofit organizations for help. When those same nonprofits need help, where can they turn? Nonprofits are businesses and, like their for-profit counterparts, must make sound business decisions in order to survive. Many are equipped with hand me down technology, staffed by overworked volunteers and have limited access to professional business services. It’s a much to familiar story, small organizations making a real difference in their communities, doing too much with too little and no chance of having the extra cash to purchase the professional resources they desperately need. It's a big problem. There are 1.5 million non-profit organizations and as many as 300,000 charities in the United States. We can’t help them all. This year we're going to help three.

“Extreme Makeover Charity Edition”
No, we’re not a TV show, but the results are similar. From thousands of nominated organizations, each year we’ll select three deserving winners to receive pro bono consulting assistance by a carefully matched “dream team” of nationally prominent executives. Simply stated, these “C-Suite” volunteer mentors are individuals you “couldn’t hire if you had the money."
 How can an organization be nominated?
Complete and submit our nomination screening form. Selected finalists will be invited to make webinar presentations to our selection committee and the winning organizations announced within 30 days.

What Ministries and Non-Profits Do You Serve?

Any ministry or non-profit organization is eligible to be nominated. We seek local organizations making a significant difference in their community. Nominees should be established programs with limited resources who are selected because they will  benefit the most from our assistance. To paraphrase the line from the movie Top Gun; in your local community "you're the best of the best - we're going to make you better"!

What Sevices Do You Offer?

Saint Andrew Ministry provides "C-Suite" level advisors in the following general areas; Strategic Planning and Organizational Development, Fundraising, Grant Writing, State and Federal Relations, Financial Management, Planning and Compliance, Board Leadership and Development, Advertising and Public Relations, Legal and Compliance - (501 (c) 3 and Foundation, Social Media, and Technology.

How Does This Program Work?

Use the "Contact Us"  form found on this website.  If your ogranization meets our premlimanary requirments we will  invite you to submit an applicaiton. If successful you will be invited to make a conference call presentation to our finalist's committee which will select the organizations for the 2020 program, Then, based on a mutual needs assessment each organization will be matched with our consulting teams.Your organization will have "phone a friend" access to our subject matter experts for tweleve months.

What Is Our Mission Statement?

Each year, Saint Andrews Ministry will provide national recognition to two ministry or non-profit organizations exemplifying the best in service to their communities. St. Andrews will provide each organization with specialized support services offered by our nationally recognized "C-Suite" level volunteers. In doing so we strive to honor and strengthen those organizations who exemplify the best in compassionate ministry and community service.

We will provide all services at no cost to these organizations.

Why Was This Ministry Started?

Letter to Prospective Volunteer Consultants
We believe in helping those who help others! St Andrews Compassionate Ministry was founded by Rev. Dr. Frank Lee upon his retirement from parish ministry. Dr. Lee explains the need for this ministry in the following letter to our prospective volunteer consultants.

Dear Friend of St Andrew,
I retired. It was a long journey – Now, I'm looking back at 50 years of “trying to help a little” and offering an occasional word of encouragement. I’m a lot like" Forrest Gump," not the brightest guy, but truly blessed to have worked and learned from some very remarkable people along the way. You are one of them.

While most of the world flew by at 20,000 feet I found a different view down here on the street corner, working with non-profits for migrant laborers, food banks, shelters, special needs adoption, human trafficking, Make-A-Wish, DivorceCare, Grief Share and so many more. Some I supported, others I founded, but along the way I learned important work is quietly done in the shadows of life by these very needed non-profit organizations. They indeed are our safety net. They are also our hope!

I’m gone now. But they are still out there doing too much with too little, needing a bit of advice once in a while — that is where you come in.

Over the years, any success I enjoyed was usually the result of being able to consult with a group of very successful friends (that Forrest thing). This opportunity to “phone a friend” has made all the difference. I formed organization to find deserving non-profits and give them the same access to “C-Suite” leadership, and I’m asking for your help.

I’ve learned that retiring from your primary career is not an act of ending but a chance to use what I have learned to make a difference. I ask you to join me in that.
Frank Lee
A Senior Encourager
The Missing Piece To The Puzzle

The Missing Piece To The Puzzle

So, you're understaffed, overworked and constantly chasing money to support a growing program. Local businesses have sent over their "IT" specialist and loaned an accountant to help file returns. A board member loaned their "website person" to advise on social media and the bank on the corner coerced their newest Vice President into leading your fundraising campaign. If only you could hire the experts you really need. At Saint Andrews Compassionate Ministry we provide America's top experts to be your consultants - and we do it for free!

Organization Managment

Organization Managment

Our "C-Suite" executives have run successful programs from two to thirteen thousand employees and budgets ranging from "all volunteer" to over two billion dollars. They bring diverse skill sets including; a former instructor in "Association Management", the founder of three national and four regional non-profits, and the former managing partner of one America's largest law firms. They all experienced success and willing to "give back" to help your organization reach it's full potential.

Podcasts, Social Media, Adertising and Public Relations

Podcasts, Social Media, Adertising and Public Relations

Face it, we work in a digital world and 2018 social media was the fasted growing consulting activity with the largest average fee increase in history. The "non-profit gap" for getting your message out there is widening. Our experts include; the founders and on-air personalities of one of America's most successful podcasts, two former TV news anchors, the President of a research institute and the founder of a major advertising agency. Our team has advised a who's who of the Fortune 100, two Presidents of the United States, foreign heads of state and numerous "A-list" celebrities'.

Govertment Relations, Grantwriting and Fundrasing

Govertment Relations, Grantwriting and Fundrasing

Non-profit and ministry activities are increasingly involved in navigating the road through government at any level. Our consultants know the way and include; two former White House staff members a former governor, and three retired members of congress with an average service of 18 years each.

Non-Profit Law

Non-Profit Law

The non-profit business operating environment is quickly becoming more complex. Your first obligation is to insure full compliance with all local, state and federal requirements. Our attorneys know non-profit law and will be able to guide your organization through the complexities of regulation and compliance.
